Brand kit Design

What is a brand kit and why your brand needs one

A brand kit contains information about the visuals you use to distinguish your brand’s identity. These include branding elements such as.

A brand kit is a collection of visual and written elements that are used to consistently represent a company's brand across all platforms and materials. These elements include the company's logo, color palette, typography, imagery, and tone of voice. Having a brand kit ensures that all design materials produced by the company are consistent and cohesive, helping to establish and maintain a strong brand identity.

What should be included in your brand kit?

A standard brand kit should contain your:
  • Brand logo
  • Brand assets
  • Brand Colors
  • Typography
  • Brand Showcase ( Mockups )
  • Social media Design
  • Stationary ( Business Card , Letterhead ,Envelope, Invoice )
  • Contact information

Examples of Brand kits

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